Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Lesson Plan ( Revised )

Lesson Plan in Math 4

Rounding Off Numbers to the Nearest Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousands and Hundred Thousands

I. Learning Objectives
            Through a group activity and giving of drills and examples, the Grade Four pupils with at   least 80% accuracy, are expected to:
            a. round off numbers to the nearest hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and                                     hundred thousands
            b. cite the importance of cooperation and sharing of idea in solving problems
            c. state the rules in rounding of numbers correctly

II. Learning Content
    Topic:          Rounding Off Numbers / Estimation
    Skill:             Rounding Off Numbers to the Nearest Hundreds, Thousand Thousands  and Hundred Thousands
    References: Textbooks in Math 4
    Materials:    chart, number cards, box with numbers

III. Learning Experiences
    A. Preparatory Activities
            1. Drill
               Teacher picks out any number from the box.  The task of each pupil in             the  class round the numbers to the nearest tens.

                Example:     37      37 is rounded to 40
                                    21      21 is rounded to 20
            2. Review
               How do we round off numbers to the nearest tens?  Show examples on the board. The teacher elicits the rules.
            3. Motivation
               Which among the following numbers are rounded to 400? Underline them.
                385    452    340      390      333      351      345      374      355      325

              Which among the following numbers are rounded to nearest thousands?
               Encircle them.
                275 438 = 275 000              284 785 = 884 000                  298 355 = 299 000
                345 542 = 345 000              362 573 = 363 000                  344 562 = 345 000
                456 489 = 456 000              463 481 = 464 000                  435 632 = 436 000

       B. Developmental Activities
           1. Presentation
                There are 371 582 residents in the city of Cebu and 256 454 residents in Mandaue City who are benefiting from the Clean and Green Program of the government.  Look at the table below and ask how are the numbers (371 582) and (256 454) have been rounded.

Ten Thousands
Hundred Thousands
371 582
371 600
372 000
370 000
400 000
256 454
256 500
256 000
260 000
300 000

                Discuss the problem given.
                a. What are the cities benefiting from the Clean and Green Program of the                                        government?
                b. How many residents are there in the city of Cebu? Mandaue City?
                c. Can you name other cities that are benefiting from the     Clean and  Green  Program of the government?
                d. If your local government is looking for volunteers who will join in a clean and green campaign, will you join? Why?
                e. Without the guide above, round off these numbers to their nearest hundreds,  thousands, ten thousands and hundred thousands. (371 582)  and (256 454)

            2.  Group Activities
                Let us try rounding off numbers to the nearest: hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands.  (Group the pupils in 5 groups). Stress the value of cooperative learning and sharing of ideas.

            Round off numbers:

                         Hundreds       Thousands         Ten Thousands         Hundred Thousands
a. 831 732                  
b. 925 501 
c. 655 321 100
d. 531 841 215
e. 736 386 133            c. 655 321 100

            Let each group report to class the answers that they have gathered.  Assign group 1 to  report letter a, group 2 for b, group 3 for c, and so on and so forth.  Let them choose  one representative in their group to discuss their answers.  Encourage students to state  the rule in their own words.

            3.  Generalization

                How do we round off numbers to the nearest hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and hundred thousands?

Round up if the digit to the right of the place to be rounded is 5,6,7,8 and 9.
Round down if the digit to the right of the place to be rounded is 0,1,2,3 and 4.

        C. Application
            A. Round the following numbers to the nearest ten thousands then answer the questions that follow.

             1. 25 743 = ___________ Did you round up or down?

             2. 15 652 = _______    Is your answer 20 000?  How did you arrive on the  answer?

             3. 34 730 = ___________ How will you round to the nearest thousands?

             4. 76 348 = ___________ Will you round up?  Why?

             5. 89 192 = ___________ Is the answer 80 000?  Why?  State the rule.

            B.  Read the following situations below. 
                 Decide whether you need an exact value or an estimated value.

                1.  Mrs. Reyes lives at 10 Monte de Piedad Street.

                2.  There were 1 275 people at the auditorium.

                3.  Karen’s student number is 15 350.

                4.  In school, there were 451 seats at the cafeteria.

                5.  I have approximately 24 sheets of bondpaper in my bag.

IV. Evaluation
     Round off the following to its specific place value.

Ten Thousand
Hundred Thousand
1. 127 563
2. 486 170
3. 816 342
4. 374 139
5. 732 256

V. Assignment
    Round off the underlined digits to their specific place value.
    1. 238 789
    2. 394 634
    3. 545 381
    4. 793 948
    5. 943 431